If your FBJC is still a pretty recent occurrence, you’re probably scrambling to figure out…
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Buying Your First BASE Rig
Buying your first set of BASE gear? It’s an exciting, and confusing, experience and we’ve…
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Packing Your BASE Parachute
These videos provide instruction on how to pack your BASE parachute. The first section covers:…
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Transitioning from Skydiving to BASE Jumping
Few endeavors take more time, energy, commitment, money, and discipline than BASE jumping. That is,…
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All About Wing Loading
What size BASE canopy do I need? Skydivers have a tendency to associate higher wing…
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Washing Your BASE Container
The careful washing of harness/container systems has been practiced for decades in the parachute industry.…
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Let’s Talk About “UltraLite” Gear – BASE Parachutes
Lightweight and “UltraLite” gear is all the rage these days in BASE. Every day we’re…
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Two TOGGLE Settings?
Here at Apex we’ve gotten a lot of questions about our canopies. More specifically, our…
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It’s Way Easier to Cause a Pin Lock Than You Think
It’s the start of your countdown. Do you know where your bridle is?
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Lobo vs. Lynx – A Q&A With Todd Shoebotham
The Lobo and the Lynx have been out for a while now, but there’s still…
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